Margreeth de Jong (*1961) studied at Rotterdam Conservatory, where she obtained the diplomas of Church Music, Teaching Musician Organ and Performing Musician Organ with the highest distinction in 1986. She then specialised with Guy Bovet in Switzerland, as well as with Marie-Louise Jaquet-Langlais at the Schola Cantorum in Paris, where she obtained the Prix de Virtuosité in 1988. In the same year, she won first prizes at international competitions in Paris and in Haarlem (César Franck competition).

In 1994, Margreeth de Jong was awarded the Silver Medal by the Société Académique "Arts-Sciences-Lettres" in Paris because of her contribution to the French organ culture. In 2012, she was appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau.

Margreeth de Jong has been organist of the Nieuwe Kerk in Middelburg since 2001 and city organist of Middelburg since 2014. She is also active as a composer. She has written for organ, choir, piano, organ and solo singing, organ with various instruments and for string orchestra. Her compositions have been published in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and in the USA.

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